Our Church in the World
Church in the World
St. Barnabas works to spread its love of Christ through outreach to the local community of Portage, MI and to the world. We partner with organizations such as the Warm Kids Project through knitting hats and helping with fundraising to provide children in need with warm winter wear. We provide food and personal hygiene products to Twelve Baskets in Portage who in turn feeds many people in south Kalamazoo County who would otherwise go hungry.
In March of 2015 we launched our Diapers, Etc. program, which is an ambitious project of St. Barnabas to provide free diapers to those in need in Portage and other communities in South Kalamazoo County.
We also support and participate in the activities of Episcopal Relief and Development, which is part of the Episcopal Church, and in Mission trips provided by our own Diocese of Western Michigan.